The following Farmville cheats are all completely legal. By following them you will not be breaking any rules. If you follow them, however, you will make as many coins as possible in as short a time as possible. You will have inside knowledge of how the game works and what to expect for the amount of time you put in. with a little fine tuning you will make the most of your potential without ever cheating!
1. Know your computer habits and plant accordingly.
A crop left unharvested will rot in same amount of time that it took you to grow it (e.g. a two hour crop rots two hours after ripening). If you aren’t going to be on the computer 2-4 hours from now, don’t plant blueberries. Plant something with a longer harvest time, like wheat or raspberries. Rotted crops waste your time and coins—avoid them at all costs.
2. Make a chart.
Berries are the “best crops” to grow. They yield the most coins and cost relatively little to plant. They also have a very fast growing period. This two hour growing period means that you’d have to log in to your Farmville account every two hours to harvest your crop—do you have the time to do that? It may not be the best crop for your needs.
Furthermore, you may have other goals in mind like mastery of a certain crop or harvesting flowers for perfect bunches. And if that wasn’t enough to consider, you also have to be able to access the seeds—certain ones unlock with each level. I’ve found it easiest to make my own chart and fill in each crop as I unlock the level. This way I can keep track of the crops that I have access to and not wade through huge charts that other players make.
3. Don’t ever, ever buy a tree.
Really, there is no reason for you to ever buy a tree or anything else that you can receive as a free gift. Especially when you’re starting out, trees are a very poor investment of your hard-earned coins—spending 700 coins and getting a harvest of about 40 every couple of days?? I think not. Accept them as gifts and gift them to other people, but if you want to make coins, your main focus should be on seed crops. Also, try and save the higher earning trees and sell the lower ones. You will eventually run out of room on your farm and it can be irritating to have to move items in order to harvest your fields.
